what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind

what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind

Watermelons have a moderate amount of fiber. Health benefits aside, pet parents need to keep track of which parts of the watermelon theyre feeding to their pooch. Give your dog this refreshing treat after a long day in the hot sun. You may experience health issues if you consume an unusually large number of fruits on a daily basis due to an excess of lycopene or potassium. Always remove the seeds and rind before giving your dog watermelon. Furthermore, due to the difficulty in digestibility of the watermelons skin, it may be blocked again. Learn about our Clean Protein Dog Food and our Skin & Coat Dog Supplements to help provide your dog with all of the nutrients they need to thrive. Serving the purpose of health and taste all at once, watermelons are sweet and highly nutritious. Dogs and watermelon may seem like an odd combination, but many dogs love the sweet, juicy fruit. You have a full afternoon of work still, so it can't take long, either. Cut the watermelon into chewable pieces. However, dogs that have diabetes or sugar sensitivities as well as dogs that are obese should not be given the fruit. The rind is not dangerous for humans to eat, nor are seeds. Register A Purebred - Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? Watermelons are a fun snack that we can enjoy when the heat gets the best of us. The sugar in the watermelon will cause them to have loose stools which can cause diarrhea. How much can I feed my dog (Shih Tzu/Kelpie mix) for a day? If they start sniffing and licking them with interest, then perhaps youre dealing with a future fan of this delicious fruit. If they give any indication of looking to dash for the They will be Firstly, the seeds and rind of watermelon can cause intestinal blockage in dogs. All rights reserved. You can also put the frozen pieces in a Kong for alternative fun. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Come summer, and youre scrambling to find ways to keep yourself hydrated. They are high in vitamins and nutrients, and they are made of 92 percent water, so they can be given to your dog on hot days to keep him healthy. Put the watermelon chunks in the freezer to give your dog a more refreshing treat after long walks in the sun. There are some things you can do at home to help control this problem and make sure watermelon rinds dont become an attractive snack for your pets: Keep all Watermelon is generally safe for dogs to consume. Although it may cause bloating and gas, it is not the only source of discomfort. Giving watermelon as a treat keeps your dogs tail wagging, and it provides your pet with the nutrition he needs. My Dog Ate Watermelon Rind What Should I Do? Yes, a dog can eat watermelon rinds. Watermelon is considered to be a safe fruit for dogs but in small amounts. However, the rind can be a choking hazard, so it is important to monitor your dog closely. If you see that your dog has eaten a watermelon rind, they might experience some side effects like vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach upset. Dogs are susceptible to multiple health problems if they have a vitamin B6 deficiency. WebIf your dog eats lots of fried foods, there's a danger of pancreatitis. However, its still important to make sure you cut the watermelon away from any part of its skin that might have been in contact with chemicals or pesticides during farming. Please rate and comment on this Watermelon and Coconut Oil Dog Treats recipe if you have any suggestions for improving it. While just one seed in a small dog will likely be metabolized by the dog's strong stomach acid, ingesting too many watermelon seeds may cause a blockage If you notice that your dog has diarrhea after eating too much watermelon, try giving them bland foods or a probiotic supplement to help restore their digestive health. If your dog has swallowed a watermelon rind, visit your veterinarian immediately. There is some evidence that watermelon is diuretic, but judging by the amount of water packed inside each bite, this is unlikely to be a net positive. It also helps maintain their muscles and nerves. Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS (Vet), Have a cat? Weve mentioned earlier, the fleshy pink part is good to go. The short answer is yes, dogs can eat watermelon. holds close to her heart. If your dog is overweight or obese, vets advise you to feed coconut oil only once a day. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2022. This makes them an ideal food for dogs who need to lose excess weight or maintain their current weight. Watermelon, in addition to its citrulline content, also helps to improve colon health. Too much watermelon can cause diarrhea in your dog. A banana is an excellent treat, but it should be consumed in moderation due to its high sugar content. WebIf your dog has eaten watermelon rind, hes not necessarily in danger. My Dog Ate Ibuprofen What Should I Do Now? If youre in doubt about anything, you can always consult with your nutritional vet for your dog-specific advice. However, ingesting mature watermelon seeds would lead to intestinal blockage during digestion. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins and fiber, but its also high in sugar. Always remember to wash the exterior of the melon before feeding it to any animal. If their condition worsens, however, there might be something more serious going on so make sure to call your vet before getting any further treatment started. However, watermelon rinds should be thoroughly washed and sliced into small, bite-sized pieces before being fed to your bearded dragon. Watermelon is not toxic for dogs as long as you feed it properly. They will be able to provide you with the best course of action to keep your dog safe. Stay on top of cat food recalls here >, Have a dog? Summer is best enjoyed with a sweet watermelon. My Dog Ate Earthworm What Should I Do Now? Can you feed dogs watermelon? If youre looking for some novel ways to treat your doggo during the summer, try serving up a slice of watermelon instead of the regular treats. Its not safe for them to consume, as it can become a serious choking hazard or create an intestinal blockage. If they have ingested it, and youre concerned about what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind, fret not. And there you have it! One thing that it can offer is fiber, but as we discussed, its probably not worth it, given how it can cause an upset stomach. Dogs can eat watermelon, and it will not cause any allergies or stomach illness of any kind, but please be advised that there are some precautions to take. But you may see white seed coats, where the seed did not mature. Scoop and serve when your sorbet is ready, and top it off with dog diet-approved fruits like bananas or blueberries. One of the main nutritional benefits of watermelon for dogs is its high water content. Human and dog dehydration can occur quickly when there is a lack of hydration. Her passion led her to establish a thriving pet sitting and dog walking business in Dubai. This food contains a high concentration of potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. When your dog eats watermelon rind they tend to throw up or suffer abdominal cramps because of the excessive consumption of calcium which cant all be broken down by the body. WebThe answer is, unfortunately, not a straight yes or no. Can you give your pooch an entire slice, or do you need to carve out the pink stuff for them? They will be able to provide you with the best course of action to keep your dog safe. WebYes. Accidentally ingesting two or three seeds wouldnt necessarily be a problem. Always cut off the rind before giving the fruit to the dog. Do not just give your dog a watermelon-shaped wedge; treat him to a full plate. Its the texture you have to worry about. Some vegetables may be too big for your dog to chew on, so you may want to cut them into smaller pieces to serve your pooch. While there isnt particularly anything toxic in the rind itself, the toughness of the rind makes it quite hard to digest. The fruit is high in vitamin C, which is good for their immune system and helps boost their energy levels. talk to a vet online for advice >. Watermelon is an excellent source of beta carotene which forms vitamin A (the anti-aging vitamin). While watermelon skin is not toxic or poisonous, it is not safe as pups cannot digest, i.e., it is indigestible and hard to chew, especially for small dog breeds (large ones can chew it). WebThe rind is another part of the watermelon that isnt safe for your dog. When it can help keep them cool and hydrated and is also good for their health. When feeding watermelon to your pup, make sure to wash off the watermelon, remove the rind, and remove the seeds. This can cause digestive issues, as well as a choking hazard. The fleshy, pink part of the watermelon is the only part of the fruit you should feed your dog. The rind of the watermelon typically isnt thought to be toxic to dogs unless it is infected with any chemicals or preservatives. Watermelon seeds can be eaten by dogs. Theres little nutrition inside the watermelon rind, so your mutt probably isnt missing much if they never get to eat it. Understanding the benefits and limitations of watermelon as a snack for your pet can help your canine friend enjoy watermelon just as much as you do! It is important to keep your dog safe as the rind can be difficult for your dog to digest. These nutrients are beneficial for a dogs overall health and wellbeing. Watermelons are low in sodium, calories, and fats, and free from cholesterols. Symptoms of poisoning may include vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, loss of coordination, weakness, or fatigue. In the simplest way, dogs can get their hands on watermelon, cut it up into small chewable cubes and serve it to them. Rather than a yes, watermelon should be given modestly and only with precautions. Can animals eat watermelon rind? The red, juicy part of the watermelon is healthy for your dog because it is primarily made up of water and a few additional nutrients and minerals. Try not to cut it too small, you want something that will be easy for your dog to eat and chew up quickly. We talk about this in our Can Dogs Eat Watermelon article, but in this post we will be talking about what you should do if your dog eats some of the watermelon rind. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Upset stomachs and diarrhea in dogs are also common when canines consume more than the red, juicy part of the fruit. A dogs health may be jeopardized if he or she consumes the rind of a watermelon, as it can be extremely difficult for them to digest. Watermelon has a high fiber content, which prevents the release of sugar quickly into the bloodstream, thereby preventing sugar cravings and sugar crashes. If your canine companion ate some of the green skin as well, provide them with plenty of water and pay extra attention to them. Can dogs eat watermelon? Eating too many one-time treats, such as watermelon, can upset your stomach, constipation, diarrhea, or even obesity and diabetes for an extended period of time. It is best to give them a bit of the inside as well. This will usually happen when feeding puppies or adults that arent used to consuming large amounts of watermelon on daily basis. The rind of the watermelon can be dangerous for the health of your dog because it can be incredibly difficult for them to digest. It also establishes proper bladder health in your dog. One cup diced, seedless watermelon can help your dogs immune system. Im dedicated to helping people and their dogs build strong relationships based on mutual respect and trust. However, But if on the other hand, they show slight curiosity, maybe only because of the color and smell, then they most likely wont show any interest in the actual fruit, which is of course a good thing. First, seeds could cause an intestinal blockage, so make sure you remove them. We choose only cruelty-free, superfood ingredients to give our kibble an irresistible, umami flavor. If you suspect your dog has eaten watermelon seeds, contact your veterinarian immediately. Yes! My specialty is helping train difficult breeds that require a more detailed approach, such as German Shepherds and Pit Bulls. Watermelon is not toxic to dogs in the same way that other foods can benefit humans but are harmful to them. Learn more about other fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat here. However, some cats do like watermelon and can eat small amounts once in a while. Just like any treat, given to your dog in addition to their regular, balanced diet, Watermelon should be fed in moderation. Then combine that fruit mixture with plain, sugar-free, xylitol-free yogurt. If you don't feel like cutting up the rind, give your dog some of the soft flesh from the melon, it's a good source of hydration and vitamins. Yes, it is. Here are some of the reasons why this might happen: i. Avoid using any artificial form of watermelon, including packaged juices or candy. Our daily supplement uses proteins and oils so your dogs furriest feature stays in tip-top shape. My Dog Ate Highlighter What Should I Do Now? Watermelon can be a great snack for your dog if given in moderation but it is important to not let them eat the rind of the watermelon. A dog can eat the light green insides of watermelon, but it is difficult to chew because the fruit is firm and hard to chew on. Mashed watermelon can also be used as a topping for your dogs main diet. Watermelon, like most human foods to share with a dog, should be given sparingly because it contains seeds that can cause a blockage and a rind that could We did a bit of research to find out the answer to this question. It also has no fat or cholesterol, so its pretty much guilt-free. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your veterinarian right away. Freeze your watermelon beforehand. You can also freeze watermelon to make an extra Diarrhea is caused by glucose ferments in the intestines. Youll likely see large chunks of it in your pups stool, assuming you take the time to examine it. = handful of watermelon slices, Examples: Pit Bulls, German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Australian Shepherds, Extra-large dog (91+ lbs.) Adding watermelons to their diet ensures that your pet has consumed the required amount of vitamin. iii. Before feeding any watermelon to your He believes in spreading the joy that comes with being a dog dad and advocates more families to adopt pets. Ultimately, though, there should be no reason that you would want them to. Can Dogs Get Sick From Eating Rat Droppings? Swallowing rind pieces can cause intestinal blockage in the same way that eating too many seeds can cause blockage. The signs to look for in your dog after eating watermelon rinds are: This might not always happen, but some dogs do have this reaction even if it takes a few hours or days for the results to show. Even if it makes its way through the digestive system without gumming up the works, theres a good chance that it will cause an upset stomach along the way, as its extremely difficult to digest. It is a healthy, delicious treat for dogs. Watermelon is a safe and healthy treat for dogs when given in moderation. Interestingly, the relevance of vitamin C for dogs has been studied for over a century now and has been proven to be quite important for a dogs overall health and vitality. Some vegetables may be too big for your dog to chew on, so you may want to cut them into smaller pieces to serve your pooch. Stay on top of dog food recalls here >, Have a question? Thus, you should remove them before offering the fruit to your dog. Keep an eye out for any sign of discomfort, in case your canine has consumed watermelon seeds. Dogs digestive system cannot properly handle watermelon rinds, which may cause serious problems. Required fields are marked *. If your dog wants something a little more hydrating than carrots, then watermelon can be a great choice. No, dogs should not eat watermelon rind. Watermelon has some dietary fiber (0.4g per 100g) that ensures proper digestion and reduces inflammation throughout the dogs body. You dont have to worry about them choking on it or having a big mess to clean up afterward. We tend to feed fruit and vegetable peels to our four-legged counterparts. In addition to the risks of eating watermelon, excessive consumption can result in serious side effects. If you catch your dog eating the rind of a watermelon, take it away and toss it and keep an eye on your dog. The seeds are actually the most worrisome part, as far as dogs go. Here are some tips on giving your dog these delicious summertime treats. If they dont chew the rind thoroughly before ingesting it and consume large pieces at once, they would suffer through gastrointestinal blockages or choking. You should always prepare your own watermelon because artificial sweeteners such as xylitol can be toxic to dogs. Because fruit contains a low level of calories, sodium, fat, and cholesterol, it is a healthier choice than many store-bought treats. I have a deep understanding of canine behavior, and Im always striving to learn more and perfect my techniques. Canine dehydration is common in the summer; if you arent paying attention to your pets water intake, they might be prone to health problems that can escalate. Here are some of the benefits your pooch will get when eating this fruit: 1. Not necessarily. If they last more than a day, you may want to make a call to the vet. What you can do is An average 15-to 20-pound watermelon will yield 90 six-ounce wedges and 11 cups of cubes. This can be a fatal disease if left untreated. But what about the rind? WebYes, bearded dragons can eat watermelon rinds. Always keep your dogs treat at 10% or less of their daily food intake. These black seeds contain cyanide, although its unlikely that a dog would be able to eat enough of them to be poisoned. Is watermelon good for dogs? When your dog eats too much watermelon, the large portion of fruit can irritate the lining of their digestive tract and cause them to have diarrhea. When you see it, you cant help but laugh. Laura is the founder of Furs'n'Paws. A bowl of lightning-quick watermelon slushie to help your dog cool off on a hot day. The dog might vomit within the first 15 minutes of taking the solution. Watermelon may seem to be a very simple and healthy treat for all to enjoy; however seeds, rinds, and large bites of the melon can be damaging the inner body of a dog. Is pork skin OK for dogs? Hepper is reader-supported. It can help with weight management, has a whole load of health benefits, and it tastes great. If your dog ingests watermelon seeds, they may experience diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. As if thats not enough, it also boosts your dogs immunity and reduces inflammation. Watermelon is extremely rare in terms of allergic reactions. Originally from Canada, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband in New Zealand. My Dog Ate Insulation What Should I Do Now? You can use a scrubber to remove all dirt, stains, and pesticides from the skin before peeling. Mash the watermelon to form a smooth puree. Learn more. 4. Dogs with a watermelon allergy may have difficulty swallowing the fruit. Because watermelon rind is so tough to chew, a dog may persist at working at the rind which can 2. Your puppy's lifelong health and happiness begins with you. Plain yogurt is safe for most dogs and is usually better tolerated than ice cream. = 1-2 slices of watermelon, Examples: Yorkies, Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Pugs, Small dog (21-30 lbs.) Teach your pets early on that eating watermelon rinds is not allowed but wont be harmful to them, since this can help make sure they will never want to eat the food even if its within their reach throughout their life. It also has lycopene which helps fight against cancer cells and provides antioxidants. Watermelon is a low-calorie fruit that is Hollow Heart melons are safe to eat, and they are actually sweeter in spots, because sugars tend to concentrate along the cracks. Vitamin B6 essentially functions as a coenzyme and is responsible for the metabolism of amino acids. Cut up the rind in small pieces to prevent choking. These help maintain a healthy coat, improve eye health, and bolster the immune system. WebIf a dog has eaten watermelon rind, an intestinal blockage might not be immediately apparent. However, if youre buying watermelons with seeds, a word of caution: always remove the seeds. Thank you if you use our links, we really appreciate it! This article is about what to do if your dog eats a watermelon rind. This may not affect large breeds that much but can cause major digestive complications for smaller dogs. And its usually green, which just makes it even funnier. Now, you know how to go about creating the perfect watermelon snacks for your fur friends. As mentioned before, when a dog eats watermelon rind or seeds, theres a risk of an intestinal blockage and other stomach problems. Rest assured, there will be no complaints of high blood sugar. Web4 Whats the Best Way to Feed My Dog Watermelon? But its difficult to ensure your dog will chew the rind thoroughly before swallowing, and larger pieces can There are as many varieties of yellow watermelons as there are red ones, both with seeds and Explore our list of omegas, veggies and proteins that keep your best friends coat softer, their skin clearer and their heart healthier. Dont bring home watermelon rinds directly for your dogs from the supermarket. It is best to give them a bit of the inside as well. If you don't feel like cutting up the rind, give your dog some of the soft flesh from the melon, it's a good source of hydration and vitamins. They can also be steamed or grated. This begs the question, can dogs eat watermelon rind? And although those probably wont pose choking hazards, they could upset your dogs stomach. After you have talked with your vet, they may recommend that you just keep an eye on your dog for any unusual behavior or signs of discomfort. Is Watermelon Rind Safe for Dogs? The toughness of the benefits your pooch an entire slice, or you... And provides antioxidants tastes great watermelon on daily basis too much watermelon can help what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind weight management has! And vegetables that dogs can eat small amounts once in a while you feed it properly sure to off! Kiwi husband in New Zealand best of us actually the most worrisome part, as as. It or having a big mess to clean up afterward dogs love sweet! The seed did not mature be consumed in moderation due to its high water content cats do like watermelon can! 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what to do if my dog ate watermelon rind