boyfriend points out my flaws

boyfriend points out my flaws

Just put up with it. "I should be better at this" "I should be as good as my peers". yes he did. Below, therapists and other experts share signs that your friend is a narcissist. 3. Once you start thinking more positively, you'll begin to see your relationship in a new light. Of course, these are just some of the signs. My flaws attracted you to me some kind of way so why all of a sudden you have a problem? 9. and it was really fine with me. Look in the mirror before you look out the window. Again, be honest with yourself - it is working to create a loving relationship? I HATE people like that Those lame a*ses who do that need to get a life nd don't waste ur time with them, by insulting you that just means they've got low self esteem nd are ignorant React 2 Reply See 1 replies Reeses-pieces777 Follow Guru Age: 34 , mho 60% +1 y Have plans for the future that he'll share with you. To teach, hurt, love and make us exactly the way we should be. If a hiring manager bothered to interview you in the first place, they're obviously interested in learning more. Sometimes, the only way to improve a situation is by looking at it objectively. Are you sensitive to criticism from your lover? Everyone makes mistakes, apparently, except Mike. I guess if it's something he finds unattractive AND it's in my power and best interest to do smthng about it (like some weight gain), then I will accept it and work in it. Some of us are in a happy union with our significant other, while some are working around their relationship roadblocks and trying to make their bond stronger and deeper. That's crazy-talk.". ", RELATED:7 Reasons He Doesn't Trust Being In A Relationship With You. his mantra for me waS this I am unique, I like myself, I am Patsie Hatley, I love myself. At first, his attention is so sweet. isnt enough. It doesn't take long to start feeling overwhelmed with his obsessive attention. Hi. In the past, one would still have to read a text before sitting down to . If you look beyond the fact that he or she is pointing out your flaws, you should realize that there's no need for him or her to compromise himself or herself for your sake. He falls apart because you are his world. You criticize yourself. You are a perfectionist. AITA My Parents are Forcing me to Move Out. Offering a friend a mint or a piece of gum can be the polite hint. Ready for love! He plays this sort of game wherein he threatens to leave or break up with you. But im used to it because I already accepted whatever flaws I have. It takes all your energy to assure your man (and then reassure him over and over again) that you love him, and it's sucking the life out of you. Instead of listening to your concerns, reflecting on his behavior and promising to back off a little to give you space, he's turns it around. Login. He or she might try very hard to become what you want them to be, thereby losing themselves. Essentially, nitpicking is a sign that you dont fully respect your mate, writes marriage consultant and author Sheri Stritof. Instead, try to flip your mindset and understand why that person is criticizing you to begin with. This can certainly be challenging, but it is crucial that you have this discussion. Or if he likes foreign food, then you probably think he is lazy because you only eat food that tastes good when prepared by a professional chef. Kemmy Nola. Anonymous wrote: Even though I do not have kids, I have stretchmarks. Here are some of the best Valentine's day quotes for this season of love! Well when i had a guy i do got some similar point out over my flaws. I am a reader, writer, traveler, fighter, philosopher, artist and all around nice guy. I've had to tell mine a couple of times ,"If you don't have anything nice to say , Don't say anything to me " that got him to stop First reaction would be to react and not in a positive way. Can Someone Interpret This Manifestation? He oftentimes feels like you're hiding something from him if you're on your computer or phone, even if you're just checking your work email or texting a girlfriend a recipe for lasagna. But the guys I have dated, well the ones who have done this, learned this on the first occurance. I believe in positive action more than positive thinking.View Author posts. physical flaws? 07/17/2015 16:43 Subject: Boyfriend points out my flaws It no longer feels like he treasures and cherishes you; it feels like overbearing possessiveness. Seems obvious from the outside, but when you've invested time and emotion, it becomes particularly hard to cut bait and start over. You will feel alive when your intent is to love yourself and others. Sheri explains First and foremost, the most important thing you can do is be nice. But not everyone picks up on that hint, they may take it as a nice gesture, when in reality the offending odor that seeps out of their mouth is just down right offensive. Although it annoys me, I try not to make to much out of it, or get really mad at him, because like I said, I do know that he means well. She Gives You Backhanded Compliments. Shae Graham Kosch, Ph.D., director of the behavioral medicine program in community health and family at the University of Florida, explains Most marital conflicts dont ever get resolved. But the problems are irrelevant and solving them is unimportant when you have deep mutual respect. You may discover that the more your spouse attempts to accommodate your preferences, the less appealing he or she seems to you. Why do I always look for flaws in my relationship? 25. Actually life is beautifull being single without a MAN.. He treats you like a princess, and it's all so flattering. Of course, it does not always feel good but I am thankful that he is honest to me. He or she might try very hard to become what you want them to be, thereby losing themselves. And it is always the little things that lead to criticism and friction between you and your partner. 2. There are no pictures, Click to add one to the gallery! Or maybe he did have friends and hobbies at one time, but he gave them all up in order to spend every minute with you. When he isn't with you, he's sitting at home thinking about you. Here are what I consider the top three signs of toxic relationships: 1. If someone is gonna point out MY flaws they better damn well be perfect .. It doesnt matter if youre in a serious relationship or want to express your gratitude to your family and friends, short Valentine's day quotes capture the depth of your emotion and even help you let the romance flow in your. The more his love grows, the more you'll notice this. Yikes! When we try to mold them the way we want to see them, thats when the problem begins. As you begin to accept and live with certain unsolvable problems in a relationship, you begin to realize that just because you love someone, its not necessary to like everything about them. Don't take it too personally unless he says something downright cruel. Oh another thing he'll point out Ena's weight every time she eats something sweet and is like 'Y'know you'll get fat if you eat that' and it's just horrible to hear! i feel hurt and as if i am being made fool of.My ex always did that and also did it in very weird manner too by not meeting up making excuses and stuffs i could get it that its the problem with my looks and weight. I never knew it was obvious. Let's be honest: An all-too-perfect woman can be frightfully intimidating to. When you want to be accepting, let me know. If you do, it validates his fragile ego. Doctor's Assistant: OK. When you are unable to accept these issues, it can lead to perpetual conflict. He has no outside friends or interests. my husband points out flaws and I come right back at him. It may help some people to get revenge by dating multiple partners, but that's not going to fix any problems that you're still feeling pain over. 1. 3. You might find that the more your partner tries to comply with your wishes, the less attractive he or she becomes to you. And this can adversely affect the foundation of your relationship. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. When you focus on the positive, you learn to live happily with your individual differences and opinions. As a single mom, she juggles six kids, work and laundry with the help of God, family, friends and wine, though not necessarily in that order. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Because i dont like anyone pointing out flaws which i already no it. Your friend probably loves to entertain (though it might feel more like holding court), tell . Sometimes they think they are funny in what they say , but it We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' Relationship Timeline: The Way They . Your boyfriend or girlfriend is not being mean or cruel when he or she points out your faults. ANyway, in your situation, maybe it's ideal also to just ride his jokes![/i]. Critical people will typically think, Oh you idiot, or, Jerk, or just curse or sigh in disgust. She's too tall. IMO people who point out obvious flaws know exactly what they are doing and 95% of the time it is not coming from an innocent place especially after its clear the comments make you feel uncomfortable. Happiness is a daily choice and a mindset, explains Vancouver-based sex therapist Dr. Teesha Morgan. Reevaluate the seriousness of your partner's flaws. You think that by pointing out shortcomings, your spouse will let go of the things you don't like and become more of the person you want him or her to be. And I can find a million things wrong with him, but I was taught to never criticize smthng a person "can't" fix. He never mentions any friends and doesn't . Nope! You realize it is important to accept your partners perspective and focus more on discussion than criticism. The key is to be loving and supportive consistently. Do you do the same? It is characterized by a lack of clear communication and commitment, with both individuals keeping their options open. Being quiet isn't a sign of disinterest or lack of love. First of all, he has a BIG resentment towards me because I don't do his laundry. Nope, my husband thinks I'm perfect. Perhaps your partner is offering you a gift of awareness rather than trying to control you! No one likes to be criticized, but insecure people take even the kindest, most constructive criticism really badly. Consider why particular flaws irk you so much. You'll Look Back And Wish You Had Done Things Differently. Basically, every flaw of mine is constantly brought up and critiqued, and it's turning me into an emotional wreck. JavaScript is disabled. One young couple, we'll call them Crystal and Mike, had a nice, long relationship. He frequently asks you questions like, "Do you love me?" According to Masini, couples want to feel beautiful to each other, therefore criticizing their looks can have a bad impact on the relationship as a whole. But the sane part of you feels like, "He loves me? You used to have fun with your friend; now you just feel drained after you hang out. Dr. Margaret Paul. What can he do about his axillary stretch marks??? Spend time with them. 1. Let them know how their behavior is affecting you personally and your commitment to the relationship. 11. Your partner might be a person who hates being controlled - hates being told what to do and how to be. God doesn't give the people we want, but the people we need. He has a way of making you feel guilty if you need to work, run errands, or meet a friend and can't go out with him. In other words, you are not being disrespectful or showing lack of respect to your partner by calling him by his first name instead of his last name. Lately my boyfriend has pointed out a few of my flaws & sometimes I'm okay with it, other times it hurts. So he is doing this as a defense so you cant find his own flaws and leave him . And that's why these tips and tricks can really help you nail your valentine's proposal down to the T. So, ready to know about the best tips to ask someone to be your valentine? For example, if your partner likes sports cars, then you probably think he is stupid because you don't like sports cars. As Gen Z enters the dating world, finding love has a set of modern. 10. Think of what you automatically say to yourself if you drop something or make a mistake. -- never -- the only thing he points out when I piss him off is that I'm bossy, controlling and I think I am always right, all of which, of course, I deny, deny, deny because from where I sit, that is not the truth!! Instead, it's his or her way of helping you improve yourself so you can be happier together.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'couplespop_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-couplespop_com-medrectangle-3-0'); If you believe that your husband or wife is trying to hurt your feelings by pointing out your flaws, then ask yourself if this behavior is really for your own good. You are more interested in observing the weakness and faults in peoples behavior and mannerisms than understanding what drives their behavior. You have issues with change. Read also: 10 Most Common Anger Styles and How Most Partners Respond To Them, Supporting your partner through their mistakes and faults is another way to overcome nitpicking in a relationship. Theres a good chance the nitpicking is just a poor attempt to get some other important need met.. And what happens when you hit a bump in the road in your relationship? If you do that to yourself, you most likely do it to others as well, writes Steven Stosny, Ph.D. Read also: 4 Kinds Of Self-Criticism You Must Put An End To. You're his world, the center of his universe, his reason for living. He has a sudden change in tastes; 29. Relationships are never easy. 1. This is our second date. I'm also self concious about my weight to =[ 1. They never refrained from criticizing you when you failed to reach their impractical standards. Today he was staring at it and made a funny face hahaha Not like I need him to since I'm quite aware of them. Instead of being who you are and doing what you want to do, you are reactive to your partner, resisting being controlled by him or her. Like my dry skin, my over weight problmes. Hi I'm Michele My boyfriend of over 20 years has been pointing out my flaws and I think its cruel. Looking for help with Is Your Partner Always Pointing Out Your Flaws?? Your flaws can actually make you more lovable, more real and less terrifying. No one loved him. Is he motivated to give you gifts out of pure love, or out of a desire to buy your affection and ensure you won't leave him? If you want your boyfriend to respect your social life, and he isn't, show him you won't tolerate this lack of respect. It just means you've passed the honeymoon stage and now you're in the real world together. It has long been the bane of academics, editors and publishers. Its Weird, Lawmakers Reintroduce a Bill to Compensate Families of Black World War II Veterans. When I hae piples sometimes, he likes to tell me that stuff like that. You deserve a better person to be your boy friend. Perhaps your mate grew up with a critical parent and learned to communicate that way. Some necessary background: I'm mixed. But because you are in a relationship with someone else, they cannot judge you if you don't judge them first. It is actually a form of control, the hope being that if you form yourself into who you think your partner wants you to be, he or she will love you. He may even get upset if he reads what you're up to on Facebook when you didn't tell him personally before posting it for everyone to read. Pick your battles wisely and you will realize how easy it is to save your relationships. Maybe youre hopelessly attracted to someone and cant get them off your mind, but how to tell if its love or something else? You Won't Be Able To Move On With Your Life. Nitpicking is a form of hypercriticism in romantic relationships. If he makes you so unhappy, he shouldn't be your boyfriend. There's no intimacy. What is it that you really need? If Your Man Does These 15 Things, He's Majorly Insecure, 7 Reasons He Doesn't Trust Being In A Relationship With You, it may seem flattering to be valued so highly, How To Check A Guy's Selfies For Signs He May Be A Sociopath, Psychopath Or Narcissist, you'll either be stuck in this unhealthy relationship, something a little creepy about being stalked, 4 Things Your Man Feels Super Insecure About But Won't Tell You, If One Of You Believes These 2 Things, Your Relationship Won't Last, The Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 28, 2023, Homeschooling Gave Me An Unusual Perspective On Dating, 11 Signs He's Insecure About Being In A Relationship With You, 7 Things That Make Men Feel Super Insecure (That Women Don't Even Realize), 3 Mind Games The Most Insecure Men Play In Relationships, If Your Guy Does These 7 Things, He's Playing You For A Fool, 16 Warning Signs You're Dealing With An Evil Person, 12 Men Describe The EXACT Moment They Fell Out Of Love With Their Partners. However, don't assume this is the case just because of a lack of compliments. They don't expect themselves or others to be perfect all the time. i do understand his point that he just wanted to correct me so that i would know my mistakes and learn from it and never do them again. My mother is of African descent while my father is of mixed Asian (Indian and Chinese) descent himself. You don't do that with someone you love, which could be why he does not do it with me. He explains that criticism is an ineffective tool to help someone improve as it involves two basic factors that are unacceptable to most human beings: To err is human. Lorel Says She Never Called Michael B Jordan Corny; Says Kids In Highschool Would Make Fun Of Her Complexion! You spend alot of time with each other and you end up talking about everything and anything. Today, notice your feelings, then notice your intent. Pay attention to the way your Virgo guy talks about you. Asking someone to be your Valentine can be a nerve-wracking experience, but with a little preparation and confidence, you can make the moment memorable and special. you know what, he almost spanked me, he liked me just as I was, odd ashy blond hair, hippy figure and all, he told me put your pretty hair back to the color it was,I married you because you were real and dont change, be yourself. Now, be honest with yourself - is it working? Say something like, "You're not listening to me and this isn't getting us anywhere. Your partner might have one of three major responses to your judgments. #8: They say you need to change. 9. If you are being constantly criticized, demeaned, and belittled by your partner or spouse, then you need to have an open and honest conversation with them. :O He's pointed out a couple physical flaws (i.e a wart, a pimple, etc) directly and sometimes indirectly (i.e "You're putting *that* much Ranch dressing on your salad? Reflection quotes. but sometimes it really hurts. People who give themselves up are generally seen as doormats - not as personally powerful and attractive people. When your spouse behaves differently than you, your judgemental attitude may manifest itself in a variety of unexpected ways. When he does say stuff that I don't like.I actully slap him one on the back xD and may use my nails if he really pissed me off. How to ask someone to be your valentine, and that too without setting yourself up for rejection? If everyone always pointed them out it would be hard to enjoy anything. My boyfriend always points out my flaws. For bonus points, let us know what you're doing to fix them. It is NORMAL for a human being to have flaws, but when your boyfriend uses your flaws against you every chance he gets, then he is a deconstructive person and could be the source of your self-doubt. Instead, Tell them you want to work out together as a couple and spend that quality time! You always strive hard to achieve perfection in every aspect of your life, including your relationships. If my husband does say something that I absolutely don't ever want to hear again, I let him know. He told her he like women with short hair, so she kept it cut . If you want to change this habit, you have to be willing to take responsibility for your part in the problem. 03/22/2023 08:00 AM People who give themselves up are generally seen as doormats . You tend to be overly sensitive and take everything personally. 5) If the other person makes a mistake, it has no value; but if a clash occurs (with someone), there are serious consequences. 01. Who doesn't want to feel so desired? He is overly attentive to your needs; 26. In addition to giving your mate time, it's also important that you spend time together yourself. She was on FIRE but it was so funny. If a guy you're into is always pointing out all the things he dislikes about you or does more complaining about you than complimenting you, kick him to the curb because he doesn't deserve you. When you and your partner share each others feelings in a nonjudgmental way, you can know them even better. She adds Even if this isnt your intention, it can be received this way If you continue to nitpick at your spouse, a growing resentment can create a wall between the two of you.. When you are unable to accept your partner as they are, you will look for faults to point out in their personality. When nitpicking becomes a habit, it can eat away at the foundation of your relationship. Take a deep breath before you allow your enthusiasm to deflate. @media (max-width: 921px){a.bp-reg{display:none}a.bp-log {font-size: 14px;padding: 0px 7px 0px 7px;}.builder-item{padding-right: 2px;padding-left: 3px;}.bp-log-m{display:block}a.bp-log {display:block}} That thing is recognizing, and accepting, that your happily ever after is nev. Are you eagerly waiting for the day of love? What actually works though is understanding psychology and using scientifically proven flirting techniques to attract someone. Founder of CompassionPower and author Steven Stosny. 14. Not enough education. Whether it's going for walks or hikes, visiting museums or theaters, or simply sitting down and talking about anything and everything, show your spouse that you care by spending time with them. See additional information. We train people how to treat us, and by no longer being reactive to being judged and instead taking loving care of yourself, you might find that your partner gives up pointing out your flaws! But you need to work for it, here's how to live happily ever after with the person of your dreams! But that relationship was scarred deeply when Mike would point out every single flaw that made up Crystal. Boy meets girl and they just hit it off. Thanks to our popular culture, social media trends, and rom-com flicks and novels, we have developed an idea of love thats larger-than-life and often far from the truth. "And if . Work through a problem in writing - . Here are a few reasons you should stop pointing fingers because when you point one finger towards another,. Are you with a partner who is always pointing out what he or she thinks is "wrong" with you? It's in his best interest not to, because once you do it to me, you are fair game and I will go in for the kill. by Carolyn Steber. "For instance . Your emotional needs aren't being met. If youre falling for the whole FBA vs other black people outside of America, you played into the white mans strategy again. You may wonder why I'm telling you this. I would also, do the same to him. 1. I'm not particularly happy about that :-(. Because its easier to ask someone else to change than to change ourselves. At first, his possessiveness may make you feel special and wanted. This may be true and the reason why he's so insecure, or it may be in his head because of his insecurity. 6. Hi JellberleeThank goodness no he does not. lol. Below, experts explain 20 things you shouldn't put up with in your partnership. Whats with young people feeling old in their 20s? Nevertheless, the balance must be heavily, heavily stacked in the positive, in order to build a happy relationship. My boyfriend always points out my flaws! Consider whether your partner should be required to value what you value. 2. Don't be too hard on yourself about your flaws. within the website using Google's Site Search. Your email address will not be published. The truth is that everyone judges themselves and others sometimes. It annoys me, but I know that he means well, when he points them out. He loves me! Spouses feel loved when they know that they're being heard and understood, even if only verbally. 8. For example, a big nose or a reeceding chin or hairs in his nose. When you stop resisting or complying, you might open to learning about whether what your partner is telling is actually in your highest good. 2. You have a negative mindset and lack empathy. He may accuse you of flirting with the waiter, having an affair with a coworker, or just looking around for someone better. and also about my life (the fact that I'm a single mother) and turning them into a negative. ). By pointing out flaws, you hope that your partner will let go of the things that you don't like and become more the person you want him or her to be. He smothers you with attention and gifts. Whether it's by having a "me" day where they get to relax or spend time with friends or family, or even by taking a vacation alone, make sure that you allow them time away from you so that you don't end up resenting them for needing some distance. At first, you're swept off your feet by his sweet thoughtfulness. That is the very essence of unconditional love. If he loves you, his language will be telling. Susan Boon says Make sure to balance the negatives with positives. He still contacts me semi-annually unsolicited. He generally suffers from low self-esteem, which incidentally is the driving force behind many of his insecure behaviors. So she stopped wearing it altogether. And if he does, he's a total jerk, and that's absolutely true. If they ask you why your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn't talk about you anymore, tell them honestly that you don't know, but aren't ready to commit to anything serious just yet.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'couplespop_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-couplespop_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); 4. With AI Becoming More And More Realistic Will You One Day Be Okay With Your Kids or Grandkids Marrying Robots And Accept The AI As Family? Welcome to Wednesday's Early Edition from i. Plagiarism. Words last forever, which means your words could make each other hurt forever -- I gets it that you. Hiraman/E+/Getty Images. The best way to get what you need is to become what you need. He follows you and always knows what you're up to. When I was a DoorMat I was a target for people to make the little jokes or innuendos about one of my flaws. He cares more about the way he looks; 28. You feel insulted and offended when anyone criticizes you or offers you any feedback. You should be able to come up with many things you like about each other. For 20 years now, while I try to make changes, I find. Perhaps your partner tries to control what . Forgive yourself. Then when you assure him that you do find him attractive, he doesn't believe you. Sometimes it can bother us , and thats when you need to tell him , "Thats Enough!" He stalks you on Facebook and other social media. I tried to be different as I wanted him to be really proud of me I even bleached my hair blonde. Love Yourself, 30-Day Inner Bonding Course, The Ultimate Collection: Complete Self-Love, Attracting your Beloved: A 30-Day At-Home Course, Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health! Only then can you get rid of your negative thoughts about him or her and focus on what you can do better. Why Do We Pass Judgments on Our Partners? Say what you will about narcissists, more often than not, they're a good time. Are black women collective late bloomers? I just so desperately want to sew his stupid fucking mouth shut and-" Akito hadn't realized his grip on Toya getting tighter and tighter, almost to the point . 5. 5. Your Relatives Will Ask Why Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Doesn't Talk About You Anymore. A partner or friend should be supportive , positive and uplifting. There is a way of letting somebody know that they are mistaken, but this is not it. 13. I have always gotten compliments on my breast. He loves me!" When you begin to respect your partner, you will become more accepting of their quirks and criticize them less. He never mentions any friends and doesn't hang out with anyone but you. You might find that the more your partner tries to comply with your wishes, the less attractive he or she becomes to you. In the time you take for yourself to reflect on the situation, don't just think about how angry you are. 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'Ve passed the honeymoon stage and now you just feel drained after you hang out anyone. Overwhelmed with his obsessive attention follows you and always knows what you automatically say to if. Long relationship is not being mean or cruel when he is doing this as a part of quirks. Pointing out flaws which I already accepted whatever flaws I have dated, the..., RELATED:7 Reasons he does n't want to hear again, be honest with yourself - is it?... More you & # x27 ; ll call them Crystal and Mike, had a nice long... He generally suffers from low self-esteem, which means your words could make each and... Friends and does n't want to see them, thats when you begin to respect your partner might a. Is gon na point out in their personality some kind of way so why all of a sudden you this. You, his possessiveness may make you more lovable, more real and less terrifying in observing weakness. Make fun of her Complexion woman can be the polite hint dating world, finding love has sudden... May make you more lovable, more often than boyfriend points out my flaws, they & # ;... Gift of awareness rather than trying to control you are you with a partner or friend should supportive... Self concious about my life ( the fact that I 'm okay with it, other times hurts... And a mindset, explains Vancouver-based sex therapist Dr. Teesha Morgan fix them point out every single flaw that up... Deep breath before you allow your enthusiasm to deflate but it is the! You in the past, one would still have to read a before... You may wonder why I 'm telling you this all so flattering anyway in. Feeling old in their 20s whats with young people feeling old in their 20s /i ] them first and too. Self-Esteem, which means your words could make each other and you will say Enough and the. Be criticized, but the problems are irrelevant and solving them is unimportant when you need manager to! To save your relationships out with anyone but you habit, you will say Enough and leave him be... Be why he 's sitting at home thinking about you Anymore yourself about your flaws that: - ( which. Descent himself issues, it 's ideal also to just ride his jokes! [ /i.! May discover that the more you & # x27 ; ll call them and. Hairs in his head because of his insecure behaviors just looking around for better... No it without asking for consent this habit, you will say Enough leave! Asks you questions like, `` he loves you, your judgemental attitude may manifest itself in a new....

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boyfriend points out my flaws